lolwut? I appreciate really anything Zelda... but despite everything this animation has going for it, it still managed to somehow turn out rather shoddy. Now, I mean no offense. Your author comments truthfully stated that there was a severe lack of 'jokes' which I understood going into watching this. My only concern is the fact that, even though there were no jokes as truthfully stated, what was the overall reason for this animation being made at all? I would hope that it was made for the sole reason of entertainment, but given the literal contents of this animation I found neither entertainment nor any sense as to why anyone would take the time to post something so fundamentally broken as this. Now, animation fluidity and overall art style, I have no complaints about. Just... Where's the story!? And if there is one, WHERE IS THE CONTEXT SO I CAN UNDERSTAND THE STORY!? Please... Consider the fact that even though the Zelda games have an overall religious following, unless there is some given context as to what you are referencing, whether personal or cliche, your audience is going to be completely lost, as I am now.