its really funny but you could have made it longer either than putting it in parts
Mega Man realizes that his universe can have glitches
its really funny but you could have made it longer either than putting it in parts
Makes Poop Look Good, Though this one can tell you have a really good concept but please for the love of Fulp Remake It! Animation wasnt tthhaatt bad, you seem to be a joker, just from one universe to another, put some real work in it, cant rush these things, aim for the top, Would really like to see "Megaman vs ???" on the front page and being atleast 3 mins long, remember, the magic flash number is 5 mins, anything less gots to be good, you really only had one good joke with the strings, maybe you can add a story where he gets shot with a tiny ray and keeps shrinking and things get weirder and weirder!! But do what you must, just scrap the last half and add on, I Want To See It!