player 2 wont attack and it wont work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
player 2 wont attack and it wont work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After finally finishing this game, I'd say the following four words sum it it nicely:
While it's not the worst flash game I've ever played, the controls are clunky and the overall balance is so poor (no thanks to the combo-heavy enemy AI) that I cannot give it more than one star.
I can see what the author was aiming for - a tribute to the best beat-em-ups ever made is certainly welcome - however, when it takes 50-100 or even *200 tries* to complete a stage, there is something seriously wrong with the final product's design.
DM, if you truly want to pay homage to classic games like Bad Dudes, Double Dragon, Combatribes, TMNT or many of Capcom's classic titles (ie Captain Commando, The Punisher, Battle Circuit), please play them first. There is a reason that they're classics - the teams that made them experimented with different combat systems and, in many cases, raised the bar for coin-operated gaming. These games have a lot to teach potential programmers if you're willing to study them.
As it stands, you have produced a frustratingly difficult platform game that isn't rewarding to finish. Still, if you're willing to work smarter and think outside the proverbial box, I think you'll turn this lump of coal into a diamond soon enough.
It won't be easy but nothing worth doing (or making) ever is.
Keep moving forward, DM.
Cool. I Got A Gun
The controls are extremely hard.
It's lacking a lot of things: weapons, uses for stars, hearts don't always work. And It's just no fun.