So what more do you want to do with this character beyond this game?
So this is a little project that took me about a day to create. I'm not too great at flash or whatever, so go easy on me! Future updates will include more characters and maybe some music too!
This is a fan game of one of my friend's projects called "Project: Dreamscape" which is something that has been in the works for a few years now. This character is called "A," which is one of the villains in the game. You can check out the artist, Nik Casteneda on Facebook (NiksMundaneLittleLife), DeviantArt (lostinthedreamscape), Youtube (mymundanelittlelife), and other places!
Please leave comments and critique below :) Have fun!
So what more do you want to do with this character beyond this game?
not the best but eh a day its ok
Sry mate.A half star game in my opinion!
Eh, It's okay! The character design.. Confused me for a moment. And I also wasn't sure what purpose some of the items had. x3 But, it's cute. I agree with the two other comments, "sticky" clothes, And music would improve it a bit. I like your idea to add more characters, And I will be looking forward to Dreamscape.
add some background maybe some music with a button to turn it on and off for the user, it's a dress up game i know but most of the games have that kind of stuff, also make the clothes "sticky" so they stay in the right way to the model
Yeah, I definitely agree. I just don't have the actionscript knowledge to be able to do that yet. Learning though! :) Thanks for the input!