i love it!
You can find the finished image here.
Last night I finally finished Rayman Origins. I bought the game not long after it came out, played it for a few worlds and then stopped when a bunch of things happened in my personal life. I finally picked it up again a few months ago and I have slowly been chipping away at it since. Completing this game is probably one of the most gratifying gaming experiences I have had in recent memory. Every level is so well thought out and structured that making it to the end of each small part feels like an incredible achievement (especially in the brutal levels found towards the end). The boss fights are a lot of fun and the soundtrack is absolutely brilliant. I cant wait to sit down to Rayman Legends when i’m finally finished going through my backlog of games (its huge by the way… 18 games not including handheld and downloads). I think Daisy was my favourite boss, just the sheer size of it along with its creepy yet goofy design really one me over.