"Who was this guy sharing this moment with me? I needed clues." Probably the first guy to say that in the context of #2 lol! And that ending, man. Gross, but funny.
A man recounts an awkward incident while attending to a poo.
People seemed to respond to this format so I thought I'd try it a second time.
More at: www.youtube.com/MustacheW axChannel
"Who was this guy sharing this moment with me? I needed clues." Probably the first guy to say that in the context of #2 lol! And that ending, man. Gross, but funny.
it was just pee? that was akward as fuck but i somehoe enjoyed it
lol hmmm just pee hmmm lol
it was just pee (wet hands)
again a story a lot of guys even myself can have in common but why use such a stupid boring voice?