War Elephant 2 is the long-awaited sequel to War Elephant! This time a new foe has invaded your borders: the formidable, bloodthirsty Crusades! Their numbers are vast, and their artillery makes them a force to be reckoned with. Guide your army to victory, with your trusty war elephant on the front line, using your wits and strategic expertise to select the right units to send forth! They might have the numbers, but you have experience and tact on your side!
such a copy of nob war... auctally, it's pretty much the EXACT SAME THING! don't mean to be a jerk, but this is just a copy of nob war.
Very awesome game! Beat it the second time around. Only thing that wasn't very clear the first time around was that the elephant arrow upgrades, also upgraded the archers and catapults as well.
its nice game omg im the first :D