i forgot to vote this also. is on the past. keep your movies growing
Edit 08-09-13: Oh, wow, this short is on the front page! Thanks a lot everybody! : D
Edit 08-10-13: Holy patoots! The short just got the 1st place Daily Feature for August 10th!
Edit 08-14-13: Yet more good news! The short got weekly 4th place! : )
After a long time without any new submissions, I'm proud to present my senior animation thesis!
It's the largest animated project I've ever tackled and my first time utilizing 3D modelling for backgrounds.
The background music in the short was composed by the wonderful Zhaniece Springer, who has posted the music from the break room scene on her SoundCloud found here: soundcloud.com/zha-zha
i forgot to vote this also. is on the past. keep your movies growing
that poor survant
hehe nice, overlords are just regular weak minded people too lol but damn if that robot suit of his worked it would have been awesome ) nice animation, cool plot and awww such a lovely kitty, moopsie dog thingy whatever lol
EEEEEEXceleeeeent >:)
This was hilarious!!! When is the next one?!!!!!