i wish u could continue it!
First of all, remember to review the movie. Thanks.
Maybe being a mercenary is not easy. At least, is not easy when you have to infiltrate a castle full of guards to kill a Lord, while other Lord is pushing you to do the task.
This animation hd to be published long ago, but some problems -the so called Author Lazyness- where a bit big and i could not do it until now.
Hope you like it! It was not made to be understand at all, but if you want to know at least a bit of the story, check The Towers I. You won't understand it neither.
The music was made by the awesome musician (i tend to have a lot of redundancy in my english texts) Nicksmall94, i really encourage you to hear his work.
i wish u could continue it!
Great combo of art / animation & music! I agree with what others say, it'd be fun to play as a game :-D
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! d:
Now that i have some knowledge of Game Maker i may be able to actually do it, which would be awesome.
Disregarding the fact the characters have no torsos, it is actually a good animation. The fight sequences and sounds match up perfectly. Looking forward to some voice acting int he future.
I had tought of that, and i decided that, in the future, if i don't get a good voice actor, i'll maybe add voices like the ones in the Worms 4 game, where they talk with a weird voice, with subtitles. Why? Because having them entirely voiced could not be what i expected. I want to make them look more silent every time, and it could be hard with voice.
I like it a lot. Animating characters without actual arms and legs and making them look like they are one piece seems like a real chore. Only real problem I had was reading the purple characters words at the beginning they were too dark. Other than that, its awesome.
Oh, thanks! Glad you liked it. Well, animating those "puppet" characters is hard, but the hardest is when one overlaps another -then making you to fix everything every frame-.
As i had the opportinity to say before, in my pc the text is readable enough. Maybe it was because my computer is too bright. Anyways, thanks for reviewing! It is uplifting to see that some people is still reviewing animations from the "Judgement" page.
I love the story idea, but I can't help but feel that this concept would've made a better game than a movie. Still rocks.
Well, i'd really like to do a game, but for now, it is not on my possibilities. The concept for a game is, if well executed, awesome.
Some kind of mix between stealth and knock'em out?