How do you manage to keep on pumping out creative animated greatness?
The sequel to "Dawn of Sock" and "Advent of Sock", or rather, the first of three episodes that will combine to form the aforementioned sequel like some kind of giant fighting robot. For those of you who haven't heard, I'm testing out an episodic release system with this project. There will be a full, unedited version available upon completion.
Music: "Everything's Chill in Silent Hill" and "Rupture" by the Hamster Alliance. Available for free download
It's been a long time in the making. Lots of setbacks due to teaching myself a ton of new techniques via trial and error, plus regular interruptions because of the Valentine's Day series. The good news is that Episode 2 is 70-80% done, and Episode 3 is about 40% done, so things should start picking up from here.
I also uploaded the stained glass murals from the intro to the art portal!
How do you manage to keep on pumping out creative animated greatness?
Amazing animation style! I would love to knw how you produce these! :)
Cooooooooooooooooooooool ;3.
this has 3 Rewards which was great.
this is awesome too
nice work
nice drawing!