Shows promise. I've seen worse. Needs more audio, and the inside joke at the end seems out of place. Other than that, the animation itself is pretty good.
Hope you like it.
Shows promise. I've seen worse. Needs more audio, and the inside joke at the end seems out of place. Other than that, the animation itself is pretty good.
its wierd but the graphics need work
its pretty twisted but thats cool the sound and graphics need work and it was a little jolty but not bad for a first timer
what was that about? The animation was smooth, it was kind of a quorky film though. but the best are arent they? keep working, maybe some music ?
I didn't quite understand. But I liked it. I'm sure things will get better.
Nice so far
It isn't done yet is it :o! I hope not, that was really well done. An original concept... more or less. The animation went well with the music at the start, too bad the music stopped :S Anyhow, nice work.