There should be an updated version :)
Chris Hansen must keep the city safe from pedophiles, and the only way to do so is to offer them a seat. A seat in HELL!
Enjoy seven levels of pedo seating mayhem!
Up/down arrows: Move
Z: Shoot
Credit goes out to the Stencyl community. Sorry I can't remember you folks by name, but if you see something of yours here, have my thanks and what not.
Dateline is owned by NBC.
The music is "Vampire Killer" from Castlevania.
Oh, and I promise this is the last To Catch A Predator related submission for a long time.
There should be an updated version :)
It was amusing at first, just to see the faces of the men. But it gets old.
Very funny!
Lulz, I don't think I'd play it more than once but it was very funny.
Cool concept but needs a lot of work. Score Keeping would be a good one to start with then the pedos floating underneath you barely visible and just in frame enough to see but not shoot at should be fixed. Which leads to the next point an aiming system would be awesome. Then just speeding up the song is really more of an annoyance then anything how about keeping the same speed of the song and adding different sound effects when hitting and taking out the pedos. Then making it an never ending barrage of pedos that just keep coming at you faster like tetris. Maybe make them smaller as the levels progressed and add different power ups to the chairs like whoopee cushions and progress up to mines and missiles. Could be a funny and has great potential to be a really fun and addicting game.