Hm, very nicely and impressively done.
So, is this Intro only available on Newgrounds now or is there another reason why I can’t find it on YouTube like I am pretty sure I have been able to before?
Here it is! The intro of my Sonic series!
I hope you Sonic, Sonaze and Shadamy fans enjoy and sorry to keep you waiting. :)
Opening BGM: One Piece Film Z - Zeal
Sonic series (c) SEGA and Sonic Team
Joey (c) :dominic-animations:
Speedy (c) jmkrebs30:
Chaos Beasts and Sonic clones (c) :shadefalcon: and :supershadow124:
Chaos Shadow ideas by :iconadir: and Exorz
Hm, very nicely and impressively done.
So, is this Intro only available on Newgrounds now or is there another reason why I can’t find it on YouTube like I am pretty sure I have been able to before?
This is Epic! Even though I'm not a Sonaze fan, I can Totally see this series going far.
Well Done!
Ok firstly, @Mario77877, of course it's epic! LordAsylus made it!
Can I just say LordAsylus, online, offline, and on different websites and places, I am, always have been and always will be, a huge fan of you and your series, and, believe me, you don't know how many times I've looked up the name of this series and I've been thinking, OH MY GOSH THE SERIES IS SO COOL I HONESTLY CAN'T WAIT!!! LORD HELP ME!!! So, in a more polite manner, please, do your best to release this series ASAP, 'cause I am really phsyced. So... Good luck for this series and the future. Your mega-fan, Genius35.
I agree your doing to much sprite animation series.
Overall nice work, seems like it will be worth the wait
How many series are you intending on doing at once?