Not a bad game but could use some work. Reminds me of some really old school Atari games.
Ammos make you bigger and slower. Use them and you'll get smaller and quicker.
There's no number or HUD, pay attention to the blue and green stuff.
You get a score at the end. The higher it is, the better you are.
That's it. You should get the rest by playing.
If you're stuck, gently smash your keyboard. For real. It works.
Controls :
* movement : Z/W/Up, Q/A/Left, S/Down, D/Right
* aim/shoot : Mouse
Ludum Dare #26 48h compo entry.
Not a bad game but could use some work. Reminds me of some really old school Atari games.
Not a very pretty game but its very fun to play.
I like the controls and the mod, hope you can do something with graphics.
I don't think I'll rework on this. It was for Ludum Dare.
Thank you for your time !