A very short and simple game. It needs more content, better graphics, fun, and much more polish.
Stupid, adventure-like game. Yeah, it sucks. Second Flash game.
A very short and simple game. It needs more content, better graphics, fun, and much more polish.
Almost sure it was from youtube user keilt fr... someting, dont remember, but try and go to Flash Game Development Tut Channel at: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFvgExKRTn3BN4NiVbQE6g , you can learn more than just char, ground, enemy and portal
But i also started from those type of game so good work :)
It is the shortest game I've ever played
I can clearly tell this was created YouTube. The game overall wasn't too good, but My game "The Brick With Antlers" was kind of the same thing...
short no noise boring and easy never make another game again
I'd like to see you even try making a game like this. Get a life. Thanks.