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Cyber Wars: Blue Edition

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This is a little demo of "Cyber Wars" a little game I'm making.
It took only three days, and I am working alone.
Use WASD to move and Mouse Left/Right to shoot.


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great game just needs more color and maybe an upgrade system music could be a tad better though but overall nice

you should ad upgrades levels and more types of enemies
then it will be awesome

ArcticGames responds:

Actually there are six kind of enemies and a secret level...
I'm not working on this game anymore, I'm working on another version, in .exe, and there will be a campaign, power-ups and other stuff.
This was only an old demo that was published the 8 March.

So, let me get this straight. You know that there's an issue with the games resolution, but you don't fix it? Anyways, moving on:

The game is too easy, the first minute or so I could take almost no damage by just moving my mouse in a circle and the health-to-enemy damage ratio is far too broad. However about the point where the center circles turn green and the missiles come out the enemy count is just about right.

However I'll give you a star and a half because the only real problem with the game, as far as I can tell, is that it's not very fleshed out yet. The core gameplay is pretty fun, the controls are smooth, and it's pretty obvious you're at least relatively aware of what you're doing. Just need to fix the resolution problem and maybe put in multiple difficulties.

ArcticGames responds:

I fixed the error.
The difficult: the first minutes it's really easy but when you get to the 5 wave there will be lots of enemies... maybe I could put more enemies or let them spawn faster...

The game design looks good, and it is pretty playable, but it gets a little repetitve. Also what I really hated was the borders of the screen killing me, it is just so annoying because I don't expect that to happen and suddenly I am dead...
All in all I think you have potential.

ArcticGames responds:

Thanks for the feedback!
I was forced to put that limitation because if you exit the room you'll go crazy trying to find yourself... I'm working on it, soon there will are red borders (so you'll know that you can't go out).

The game was thought to be played on a forum while downloading files, so it was about 2-3 mins. Then I decided to make it more durable and I added some new enemies (6 in total) for 15 mins of game and 1356 enemies total.
So... yes, it's repetitive, but remember that's only a demo, the real game will be a stand alone (.exe) and there will be a campaign and other stuffs...

Credits & Info

2.63 / 5.00

Apr 13, 2013
7:54 AM EDT