Play with me!
If you ever wanted to play pong with an exciting twist, then this is the game for you. It's a remake of the classic pong game, but instead of the same old squares you play in a circle! And you can enjoy all 360 degrees of circular action with up to 7 friends in online multiplayer.
There are several ways to customize your game including game type, ball and player speed and more.
You're properly gonna need some friends to play however. This game isn't actually popular.
Play with me!
Awesome idea...however no one else was there to play so I didn't get to.
If you make an update you should include a CPU opponent as an option.
The concept is good, although it is far from new. I can't remember the last time I played a game of circular Pong, but it's at least 10 years ago...
The execution needs a lot of improvement.
As you said yourself, the game "isn't actually popular". As a result of this, there might not be too many chances of finding opponents. At least not random opponents.
This can be changed by adding in AI opponents.
The controls might be confusing for some. If your paddle is located on the bottom, the controls are reversed. This is obviously a result of the controls being based on the circle's top point. If you alter the play-field so that every player has the same point of view (i.e. seen from index), this issue would be elliminated.
Additionally, at the start of the game, there's no way to determine which player controls which paddle. Adding in options to change the paddle's color will eliminate that, as well as adding more color to the game. (Yes, it has the potential to ruin the nostalgic black/white, but...)
The ping was a bit annoying. The paddle won't move before nearly a whole second after you press the direction. It also won't stop moving in the same manner, thus making it easy to move too far and by that allowing the ball to pass by with ease. This easilly combines with starting on the bottom, and not knowing which paddle is yours, to be an easy first score for your opponent. (The same applies if played against yourself, whether it's with a dummy-opponent (non-controlled) or just a game with no opponent at all.)
In short; The game might not be as popular as it once was, but you're clearly not making it any more appealing to new audiences. There are too many flaws that hinder the pleassure of a proper gameplay.
Thank you for the great feedback.
The reason for most the flaws mentioned it that I didn't have time to implement any more features. This was a one month project for #OneGameAMonth, so I had to move on at the end of month. Other than the idea being simple and taking very little effort, the game was also a test of the multiplayer API, so I know what I'm dealing when I use it future projects.
I should properly add a note in the description about this so people don't take it too seriously and waste their time writing too much unnecessary feedback.
Its somewhat disappointing its only multiplayer, especially when there may be no one playing the game at the is a fun idea though!
the game does not work
Could people please elaborate, so I can make it work for them? I have actually tested the game, so it should work on most computers. Exceptions may be linux and mac, since I don't own either at the moment.