It is what it is, not the greatest piece of work to ever grace this site but you put effort into it and it's not bad. A fun take on the shark's space suit too.
From one monkey to another, good job and keep doing stuff in the future :) I enjoyed it
this is the first animation i have made and i know it's not a great work.
the music is from 2001 A Space Odyssey
It is what it is, not the greatest piece of work to ever grace this site but you put effort into it and it's not bad. A fun take on the shark's space suit too.
From one monkey to another, good job and keep doing stuff in the future :) I enjoyed it
'Kind of a funny concept. The music volume should've been up higher. Your Saturn graphic's art style doesn't match with the shark and stars (mixing gradients with flat colors). Personally I would choose one or the other.
Maybe you can build off this concept. Where is the shark headed?
Actually, it wasn't bad. I doubt, you'll win any awards for it, but I know you're not surprised by that comment. I liked the colors of the galaxy you drew better than the one I drew. I've got tips and tutorials in my most recent news post that maybe might be helpful. Keep improving. You're off to a good start already. :)
thanks for the coment