Hello everybody. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dumbird. I will not give my real name to protect the innocent (and guilty). This is my animation. I came up for the idea for this animation when I was browsing around Newgrounds for videos on Pokemon. I thought to myself why ain't there a proper video series that is like a Pokemon game. so after over a week of using flash and banging my head on the wall. I bring you Pokemon darkness.
Please give me constructive criticism when needed.
Edit 22/03/2013: I made changes to the movie like spell checking and improved sprites.
Really good. But there was quite a few spelling mistakes. I suggest fixing those for the future.
This was A good PokemonSprite movie, however what makes it not great is the overall sound quality.
Did you intend to make it sound like it was acualy coming from a Gameboy Advance? if so Well done on that.
Good job on the interactivity of this Flash Click to continue text thing so it was like playing a Pokemon game not just a Animated Movie.
During the time that was the only music I had to had but thanks for the comment
Very good! i got into the story
too much clicking, but the team rocket member flying down animation was so ghetto it had me laughing in tears