could be longer
This is my first Flash Animation and I like Pokemon so what better place to start? Well I know I've got a long way to go as an animator but everyone has to start somewhere, any feedback on how I should improve is more than welcome, PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK AS I WOULD LIKE TO GET BETTER THANK YOU! :D
Thank you all for getting this to daily 2nd, I would have never imagined this to get as much recognition as it has now, be sure to expect more from me in the near future, hopefully it will be better than this :)
could be longer
not so nice wheres his gangs
Which is why they invented Max Repels
OH LOL I LOVE THE TROLL FACE(that happend to me alot in pokemon diamond it was a nightmare >:o)AMAZING JOB ON IT!
lol classic, I want to see if he get's rolled over by giant pokeballs. Or again hit the sea of magicarp, but yea it did felt there was a sea of endless zubats btw one of the wall drawing looked like ditto.