the beginning was awesome but when the bass dropped.. it was delayed and it wasnt crazy enough.
I'm trying to return to the flash animations and this is my way to start.
The new viral dance, now in flash (:
the beginning was awesome but when the bass dropped.. it was delayed and it wasnt crazy enough.
I have no ideia why it has a delay. the original file is fine. when I uploaded it I noticed that delay and that's why I added the loader, but it seems that it's still happening with some people..
The harlem shake got very old very fast.
well, like almost everything on the internet :P
This only belongs on Youtube, not here.
and why is that? harlem shake is viral not because of the four guys dacing but because of all the people that made their own version (group of friends, offices, etc) so I don't know why I can't make my own flash version. But if for any reason this only belongs to youtube, I also uploaded it on youtube, I hope it's ok with you