Well, this game looks nice and it's ok to play for 3 minutes or so, but is there any incentive to play it longer than that? Maybe there could be a time limit, at least? A way to die? Some kind of challenge other than reversing direction very slowly? (I agree with others that challenge should never come from the controls) Also, my game froze on level 4, both times, too. Canon in D is probably the most overused song in the history of overused songs, but weddings are one of the main reasons why, so I suppose it's a fitting choice for a Valentine's Day game and the 8-bit rendition was fine ... but maybe there could be more than just that one song?
This reminded me of one of those unauthorized bible games released during the last days of the NES. You know ... the kind that came in those weird light blue cartridges. Anyway, thanks for sharing and it COULD be a fun game, but I think a lot more is needed first.