Not a bad concept....need smoothing on controls/gameplay overall the design is wonderful. :)
how to start game:
in a start menu select "1p play" or "2p play"
in choosing menu 1p must select freddy, 2p select jason, then choose background and begin to play. also yo can change skin when presented "select the skin".
exuse my bad english
aboute game:
this idea has been allready showed in the game named "terrodrome", but i try to make something totally different
unfortunately there are only two playable characters such as Freedy and Jason, thats why it called "FvsJ demo", and there are only two player fight mode. when I began to make it I planed to make full game, but I didnt expected that such game may take so much work. In future I plan to add more characters which you can see in chosing menu
Not a bad concept....need smoothing on controls/gameplay overall the design is wonderful. :)
I CANT EVEN PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!
can play it
ok this game had allot going for it but the controls are broken and awkward it is what kills the game and i kinda like the idea of having every horror icon going around fighting thats awesome! so here are some things you can improve on
1. more characters from the classic movies like dracula, frankenstien, mummy, phantom of the opera, invisible man, the creature from the black lagoon etc.
2. better control like i get that you only got a key board i get it but how about wsad to move and ijkl to attack? and for the menus just use the arrow keys
3. did i mention more characters?
awesome characters, you should add pumpkin head, scream, and the doll guy from saw