pretty good,also what song name?
Didn't know weather to upload this here, hope you like it anyways! :]
incompetech musics
If you wanna join the server then ya gotter subscribe on teh youtubes tLandsCraft
*Take out the spaces in the url*
15 FPS FTW! Idk why but it looks pretty cool.. sorry if you don't like the jerky-ness D:
pretty good,also what song name?
I saw Gaylord Steambath from Minecraft The Noob Advantures =D this actually a thing? The animation was good and the audio fit the piece well, but I couldn't tell if this was an actual game or a parody of minecraft. Or both? Still, as far as coolish animation goes, this one is pretty good.
It's a minecraft server ;) and thanks I llike the style too - insired by adveture time and colourful suff :p