Its a good start, but it needs improvement:
- Let a big asteroid split into two minor (so you have to type 1 + 2x 1 letter)
- Let user decide which level to start (I am really bored at L12 and i dont want to waste more time to get to a level where i finally need to type in a speed that would fit my abilitys)
- Maybe an upgrade-system to get extra points for typing a word including the letter
- Maybe a punishment for wrong letters. (at this moment a monkey with an hammer could beat that game - well ... maybe a rubber hammer).
On design: There is nothing special - no special animation, no special sound, no voice, no special graphic.
On programming: There is a bug, that you can let some rocks come down and type fast all letters, so that you can kill more rocks, than you need to pass that level (=> give them as bonus)
All in all i can´t rate it that good. I still give you 3.5, cause its a good game to learn not to look on your fingers while typing :)