Seems as if this would be more fitting for SSB64.
Hilarious representation of the Tier difference though.
My little brother Marvin and I play a game of SSBB and he quickly realizes that Link isn't such a great character.
Seems as if this would be more fitting for SSB64.
Hilarious representation of the Tier difference though.
The rape that has been commited upon my eyes can never be erased now....
quite entertaining
I thing This flash is Epic but not Perfect.
Satifactory Super Smash Bros Brawl Parody overall in my Opinon.
Sure do agree Pikachu can be a lame and Punny charactor at times but its full battle field cool: Final Smash, is what is Uberpowered and Link's.
The Giant Hulkachu part was awesome FTW.
Great ending too.
One thing would have improved it if it was (Ike) that Pikachu was against.
The animation is very well made, and the face expresion are very funny. The reason I give this an 3.5 it's because the plot it's just dumb, and not hillarious dumb