Fun, but flawed.
For a first game, this isn't bad, but there are flaws that need to be addressed. Let me explain...
Graphics: You did an excellent job on the graphics considering that you're a renowned artist. However, there wasn't much in terms of character animation. If this was developed for an old, outdated game system, I'd understand. But, for a Stencyl game it just doesn't feel and look right.
Sound: While I do like the voice clips and the theme song; there wasn't much thought put into the sound effect and music variety. I mean, there is an audio section on this site and would suggest that you scour it for songs. However, the song used was pretty catchy.
Gameplay/Content: Nice throwback to old Nintendo/Sega/Atari/Commodore games and fun to boot. On the other hand, there are three things that should have been sanded out before release. One, the control scheme used wasn't very intuitive to platforming considering that it's the Stencyl/old computer default. I think that fully customizable keys would have made this a much more comfortable experience. Second, as two previous reviewers have mentioned, the hit detection is inconsistent at times regarding enemy projectiles. Thirdly, while I do like the level design and the aforementioned graphics; the stage size results in the whole thing feeling claustrophobic.
The Good:
-Nice graphics
-Catchy theme song
-Nice voice clips
-Good level design
The Bad:
-Lack of sound variety
-Clumsy control scheme
-Inconsistent hit detection
-Small screen size results in everything being cramped
Overall: It's not bad for a first, but the flaws prevent it from being a shining example. Here's a nine and I hope that you learn from your mistakes. (4.5/5)