this is a show for kids..but this game has no skill what so ever
veggies rule
junk food drools
this is a show for kids..but this game has no skill what so ever
This was made with Stencyl... No skill involved.
I'll give you credit on your smooth game controls. However, the enemies do nothing to you. giving it a bit of challenge would have been nice. the music needs alot of work. I pretty much muted it after the start.
lol cute good game play make moreeeee
Nothing about the game's mechanics is in any way original, and while the story is definitely original, it's not necessarily all that good. I think you could add more levels, add a better diversity among the enemies (and I don't mean re-spriting the same enemy, give them different traits, make it a challenge every time I try to fight a new one) and try to flesh out the story a little more.