not bad at all man, I admire your work. Plans at the V-cam are very well done. Practice and you continue on track.
Sup this is mecha sonic vs mecha shadow a fierce battle between the most powerful robots from the sonic series. mecha shadow sprites by shade falcon. Don't expect much this was one of my first animations, I'm way better now
not bad at all man, I admire your work. Plans at the V-cam are very well done. Practice and you continue on track.
this is my latest work i dont do smbz anymore
Not bad, reminds me of Alvin Earthworm's work! Hey if you don't mind me asking, where did you download the sprite FX such as the yellow energy/glow coming off of Mecha Sonic?
Great effects! Overused characters though not that it is a terrible thing but keeps it from being a 5
I am genuinley impressed! The effects you wereable to pull off deserve alot more praise.
However, There was a bit of lag, here and there, probably due to the lack of a preloader. =/
Keep up the good work!
lol this is old,man my animation skills are a lot better now
Seen one sprite animation, you've seen them all.
say wha?