Spider themed preview. Graphics are decent but could be much more detailed. Gameplay could use the controls written in the Author Comments. This demo might be better in time.
just a preview
Spider themed preview. Graphics are decent but could be much more detailed. Gameplay could use the controls written in the Author Comments. This demo might be better in time.
that was cool
So this was a fun game here I really like the mechanics of this game with the many different spots of hit points and targets made for a really good game and a great kill adventure game here so really nice work I think some smoother graphics would be nice but overall this was great so keep up the good work.
I think some smoother graphics would be nice but overall this was great
I liked this game, but it's quite weird I did. It's just a brief demo. I just like shooting spiders. I was impressed at how the tarantula won even though I shot both its eyes out. The design looks nice. I'd love to see this as a full fledged game! It's hard for me to keep up withe everything here, okay?
I also liked the music. The sound effects were nice. Of course you get better. I wish there were medals on your old games. They had ones on older submissions like "Domo-kun's Angry Smashfest!".
benjadaninja too much info
although tarantulars have never done a fatal blow there bites still bloody hurt and they look like shit and creep most of the world out, and hu cares what colour there blood is we jsut want to see it muhuahahhahahahahaahhaah