make it more actiony its bull shit
This is a sprite animation trailer I made within Flash CS6 between Akuma & Ryu. This project took a week to finished, it would of been done sooner if not for my work schedule. I honestly welcome any critiques as they are a great learning tool for improving. Any who I guess that's it, Merry Christmas to you the viewer & your families!
make it more actiony its bull shit
Okay, Ryu is a crowd favorite, and the hero. You have to root for him. And I mean hell, he can cut a man in half with an electric hyuken. But as any real Street Fighter knows, Akuma makes Ryu look like a little bitch. Ryu shoots balls of energy, Ken shoots balls of fire, Akuma shoots BEAMS of FLAMING ENERGY. And he has katsets shoriouken, and if he gets really pissed he can just open a portal to the underworld and kick you into it. Sure, you can make the fight as epic as you want, but anything other than Akuma fucking Ryu in the ass is just unrealistic. XD
Love the bgm <3
Pretty good sprite animation. Since this is just a trailer, I'm hoping the real thing will be awesome!
good background music and effects. chould have been longer though.