The trailer was so cool B)
Cant wait till the "Real" movie :D
Hy everybody.
After a while,I found a way to show to a real animation.
It will longer than anything I posted until now(the first part
will come in January)
Until then,enjoy my trailer.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
PS:tell me if you like it.
The trailer was so cool B)
Cant wait till the "Real" movie :D
I like the concept behind your story ; it seems like it could go somewhere. However, as a trailer, it's not very advanced. The animations used were decent, but the pictures overall were far too low quality. I'm sorry, but I just can't connect to your video very much. I does not lack potential though.
This is just a trailer.
As you already read there will be more to show
it shows promiss. Hope this doesnt get banned