nice idea to work it out! reminds me to "mastermind" and "singuarity"
Take control of the city with your baddies in this deckbuilding game !
Ludum Dare 25 entry - Theme : you are the villain
Sorry I didn't have time to work on the graphics or make a tutorial ! Hope the instructions will help. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any question :)
HOW TO PLAY - Quickly get started on the game !
1 - Hire bad guys
2 - Click "raid"
3 - Choose an easy raid
4 - Select people and launch the raid
5 - See if you can cancel the effects of the encounters with your guys. (see below)
6 - If you get to the end of the raid, you win money and crime points. You don't need to remove all the effects of the encounters.
7 - You need 20 crime points to win
WHO SHOULD I HIRE ? - tips for choosing the BEST bad guys
STRENGTH : bad guys with a high strength can neutralize more encounters
SKILLS THAT BOOST STRENGTH : They make a guy more flexible against encounters because you can spend $ if his strength is lower than the encounter's
CANCEL SPELLS : Pay attention to the type. Some Cancel spells only allow you to cancel effects of a specific type of encounters.
There are 4 types of encounters : Heavies, Devices, Structures, Super-hero. You only have super-hero encounters on hard raid.
FIND NEW GUYS : if the guys you can hire are weak, reset the panel !
RAIDS : When you launch a raid, make sure your guys can cancel Heavies, Devices, Structures, and that they're strong enough or can boost their strength.
K.O. : The guys are K.O. after a raid. They need to rest one night before they can fight again.
The idea is to remove the effects of the encounters before you face them. The characters can use their "Cancel" spells if they have a strength superior or equal to the strength of the encounter and if they can cancel the right type of encounter.
Select a "Cancel" spell, then click on the button on the left of the effect you want to remove.
If you don't finish a raid, you can consult the encounters you've already seen to adapt your strategy.
nice idea to work it out! reminds me to "mastermind" and "singuarity"
There is Black Screen !!!!
I love the concept. With some more polishing and a better interface, this could be a really great game. As it is, the instructions aren't very clear and I don't see a reset button?
The game is good it just has a few flaws.I think a change to the investigation system would highly improve the game,making it higher than 20 before game over and not gain 1 investigation point per a night would be a large improvement.
Challenging, yet needs work. And tutorial. I had to start over few times before I understood the concept. I hope there will be next version, with better graphics, and more content.