[This was built in 8 hours for Ludum Dare #25; "You are the Villain"]
You are the best, that is a great idea! Don't worry about it, you never make mistakes.
Why try something different? You always succeed!
Don't listen to them, they're just jealous.
With all the support you have been accumulating, you'll be sure to convince the critics.
You don't want to keep all those compliments bottled up, do you?
What happens if the pressure gets to great, are you going to explode in a flash?
You're always right, remember.
this isnt a great game in fact is repetitive and boring. what is is. is a great thinking aid. it is so simplistic but the underlaying message is kind of deep and hidden. you can play this game and let your mind wander it is soothing. i think over all its a good thing.
interesting and a bit addictive, nice game ^^
yet it is a bit repetitive
Repetetive, yet fun and addicting. :)
Good game