Hello, i will try to provide constuctive critisisum, since i am giving this game low stars.
You need to improve a lot of things or think about adding them in future games like this.
(1) Inventory - some type of inventory system would be nice since people will end up forgetting what they picked up.
(2) Music- the game lacks ambiance making it a bit boring, there is rain in the background ,but it gets annoying very fast and you can hear where the loop ends.
(3) A map - i found this game hard to navigate with the fact that you enter room A from the left side of room B, logicaly you would think that you came out of the right side in room A, but in this game you go in room A from the left side of room B and if you want to go back to room B you need to go into the left side, if the doors had makings or were a different color this would not be a problem, but in your case you need to think of a map before you make the house, try drawing how a simple map of the house would look before you make a game.
(4) A little bit of story, why are you there, who are you,ect... i understand a lot of games of this type just start you somewhere random and give you story in the end, but a small intro would be nice.
The graphics are interesting to say the least, but confusing, i ended up opening the shelve and automaticly clicking inside, because i have had expirience in these games and expect that there will be items inside, else i would have never seen that there was something inside.
I can understand the safe idea is to use the "clues" on the walls but i had no idea what numbers i entered in the machine and could not open it. Also there is a locked door, which again i could barely see the locks on, so i figured you need 4 keys, i found 3 keys in random places and i suspect the last one is in the safe but i can't open it, so i say "sorry" for judging before the game end.
That's all i have to say, I hope this helps, good luck with future projects and have a nice day.