This really is not a presentable game; barely a first draft. It is 100% imperative that the issue of getting caught in walls is repaired. Menus are your friend: include an intro menu, a menu to adjust options like music and sfx volume, and for god's sake a pause menu with a reset.
The level design and enemies are bland and repetitive. It is an incredible feat of irony that projectile attack is unfair in being way to difficult to avoid but still being a totally negligible in terms of challenge because it really doesn't deal much damage. Additionally enemies can sometimes shoot through blocks and sometimes they can't. Pitfalls will end the game prematurely because as far as I can tell there is no way to reset the level. Also the level with the green and red gradient sky where you presumably need to fall down to progress is abysmal, it needs to be seriously reworked or deleted as it is not intuitive at all
The controls are responsive enough that platforming doesn't feel cheap but inescapable pitfalls definitely diminish. The music is fine but a mute button is definitely needed. You really deserve a lower score but I believe that you tried and there are many areas that need improvement; hopefully you update it because there is potential.