has a shitload of potential i would pay money for this game if graphics where a little better and music and also a story
This is a quick experiment with making a momentum toy. What do you guys think? Any feedback?
- Move left: A
- Move right: D
- Wind up a jump: Hold W
- Make jump: Release W
- Crouch: S while still
- Roll: S while moving
- Stop: A + D
- Grab / Start climbing / Swing around pole: Shift
- Stop swinging around pole: Release Shift
- Climb upward: W
- Climb downward: S
- Climb left: A
- Climb right: D
- Climb diagonally: Any combination of two movement buttons
- Stop climbing: Move to somewhere with no climbable surfaces
- Equip/sheath weapon: E, while still or walking (not running)
- Block: Have weapon equipped
- Attack: Hold left click
- Swing attack / Bring weapon to block attack: Move weapon with mouse cursor
- Pause game, show menu: P
has a shitload of potential i would pay money for this game if graphics where a little better and music and also a story
Overall a really good game. I would add barrel rolls, bouncing off walls, power ups, maybe even a little shop where you can buy abilities or something. Good idea and game... Uhm... Yeah man I would just spice it up a bit yuh know? I'm no animator/game creator but I'm just sayin. Okay well take my ideas in to consideration BAYIIIIIII fun game
Kinda reminds me of the good old days with Spiderman 2. Excellent job, but needs music ;)