I do not see why people are saying this is hard...
You have 8 days to destroy 4 bosses.
You can download Boss Destroyer DEMO Zip-Pack for You portal here:
http://cdn.mochiads.com/c /g/boss-destoyer.zip
I do not see why people are saying this is hard...
way too hard with just the 8 tries
hate the time limit in the game it ruined it for me.....
Rip-off of boss slayer. Except you force people to use mouse control instead of a keyboard option. Very poor choice because of the mouse-off flaw in these games which shoots your ship right into the enemy. 1 1/2 for effort. But if you're going to copy another game... add to it. don't do less.
great game, a little hard to get used to, but over time, perfect.