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Hordes and Lords

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Hordes and lords is realtime tactical wargame.
The game has high quality prerendered 3D graphics in medieval setting and unique engine that showing up to 200-300 units approximately, with physics and effects at once.
There are 15 missions with completely different locations connected with humoristic plot and the "survival map" with highscores.
Player has some squads with different stats (that can be upgraded between missions) and must control them to destroy enemies.

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Perfect, simply perfect. I have never seen a game that handles army strategies so well.

cool game!!!!!!!

Great game, good concept, I just wish it was longer. I loved the fighting, the troop variety and the Introductions. I could go with another 10-15 levels really.

Overall i would give hordes and lords a 5 star the story was good funny and easy to follow major props to the artist titus1 it looks very realistic for a java game the music was alright and didn't get that annoying after a while the only bad thing i could say about this game is that its too short and i'm sorry if i'm ruining this for anyone but you should patch being able to play the mission over and over to get money and lvls for your troops umm the story was too short i think i could have been a little longer but still overall good game hope too see more in the future

Awesome, reminded me of that game Dark Omen.

Credits & Info

4.33 / 5.00

Nov 8, 2012
5:48 AM EST