funny but it gets old
Heya! This was a fun and silly little project between myself and the amazing Frobman. He did the animation and I did the script and voice acting. I'm a horrible Sonic, I know. But hopefully, y'all enjoy!
(By the way, RockTheJake and Tokugoru are the same person. Just to avoid any confusion.)
Frob's Channel er/FrobmanAKATillman
funny but it gets old
Your Sonic isn't bad. He's always changing voice actors anyway and either way I like to hear different peoples' versions. Mine, however...not so great (yeah, I try). Nice drawings, and the fart getting after him for the smell was pretty funny too. Predictable jokes can still have their own take on it, and you did it. Not bad!
It's kind of funny, but don't you think sonic eating a chilidog and farting is a little bit
predictable and overdone? Yeah he likes chilidogs, we get it. I like them to, but
I don't make constant jokes about it, otherwise people would hate me.
It's an okay flash, but the joke has been done before. Good luck with
anything else though. Also, I need to know what that song at the end is.
Pretty please?
What's with gassy loop? ha, ha, ha, ha. Five stars.
It looks like Sonic's found a new friend.