Sorry but with only one quote, not worth it.
"funny quotes"
a series bringing you the FUNNIEST of the funniest quotes OMG!
nat29 is kewl you should check out his flashes
Sorry but with only one quote, not worth it.
One quote? Is it not playing, or is it just the one quote plus music?
You should check out Mistysentertainment's flashes. He's kewl too. For the most part, his flashes are really great. Send him a PM and maybe he can give you a few pointers, ok?
Also, I found the tags to quite confusing. You state that this is "mnb", but I don't see how it could be. Unless it's misspelled. This could easily be "mbn" hands down, but that's not what you listed. Am I missing something? Hope not, cuz mbn rox.
Hope that helps! :)
Help me out here. What's this supposed to be?
Thanks for the compliment.
just bad