Well its good and all, but because anyone can edit it trolls will definitaly hack and ruin the game. So whats the point? Maybe to make collabs easier. I'm still backing you up.
Remember that :The Game: series I made?
:The Game:, Replaying :The Game:, Reimagine :The Game:, and now, with Craftyy, you can...
:::::::::: CRAFTYY = WIKIPEDIA + GAMEMAKER ::::::::::
Anyone can branch off and build upon anyone else's game, all with an fun-to-use game editor.
When people keeping adding onto each others' work, even the smallest of changes...
... add up to big, badass beauties.
We need a community close to each other, but open to all.
So, please back Craftyy, and tell your friends to join in too!
For the collaborative-creativity cause!
Well its good and all, but because anyone can edit it trolls will definitaly hack and ruin the game. So whats the point? Maybe to make collabs easier. I'm still backing you up.
I wish I could help you man, you're the best.
(4 for animation, 9000+ for idea!)
I was inititally unimpressed by this, but was glad to see it does have real heart to it. I couldn't help but think of "Inception" with the notion of planting an idea. Gee, does it seem long ever since that movie came out. At least it's nice to see such great animation. This is certainly different than the games you work on. I guess if you're going to promote donations, do it for people who are helpful.
It seems like you don't see enough of Wikipedia. I don't know why a deer was chosen of all animals, but it's fairly cute. A lightbulb tree would be great for the environment. Forget that, it would be great for everyone. I loved the Tricky the Clown music at the end.