this somehow feels intone for the actual show
A looney-tooned adaptation of Danny Boyle's 127 Hours starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote.
This short has been Featured on Cartoonbrew, The Daily What, the huffington post and many other sites. but Seeing it on the front page of Newgrounds makes me as happy as a little guuurl! thanks everybody! more toons coming soon. If you'd like to see more of my work check out my youtube channel. ainpasteco
this somehow feels intone for the actual show
Wile Coyote. Pure Genius.
Very well!
Funny thing is, an average episode of this cartoon back in the day was far more violent, perhaps not as gruesome but not by much
It's okay Wile, you would have lost your hand due to some pressure thing after road runner broke the rock anyway.
Good vid!