a pretty dumb idea for me!!!
Hey all, it's been awhile since I've submitted anything to the portal. This particular treat is in tribute to the website threebrain.com, which is the home of the band: Albert Christmas Squirrel. It's a short, but stunning piece of animation that I, and the guys over at threebrain felt was worth your time and attention. Be warned, hardcore squirrel action and nazi beavers await. If this does moderately well, and if you guys give some feedback, I think I could be persuaded into doing a continuation of this. Also, if you like, we have an even larger version that isn't optimized. The details are a little bit finer, but only a little bit. Enjoy!
a pretty dumb idea for me!!!
Its actually pretty dope
A new, small, random superhero critter emerges! XD If it ever was continued I'd better look around for that sequel... short but entertaining dose of oldskool action! Nice work.
i <3 threebrain
This is good
This was very good, I saw it when it first came out, but never reviewed. I liked Threebrain then, but now Albert's gone or something and Threebrain has stopped. Oh well, I guess maybe they have lives.