I couldn't never attack, maybe i haven't evolved enough, i don't know
~~~WASD to move~~~
~~~Arrow Keys to shoot (when you evolve enough)~~~
My entry for Ludum Dare 24, a 48 hour game making competition. The theme was evolution. Play as a slime that evolves the more it eats, and use you evolution to defeat your enemies. Gain friends, defeat bats and alligators. Thanks for the feature. Link to Ludum Dare page for the game: https://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-24/?action=preview&uid=10737
Made in FlashPunk.
I couldn't never attack, maybe i haven't evolved enough, i don't know
Fun game. Kinda miss it
Has some potential, but the insta kill and vague hitboxes make this much less fun.
This game shares similar problems to a previous game, ShootDodgeCry. One of the later obstacles in the game is simply too much to put up with to be fair. In this case, it is the giant bat that appears after the player evolves five times. The giant bat is unkillable even if you stay away as far as you can and fire the maximum amount of bullets into its skull. The only way I can imagine one would go about killing this monstrosity is by luring it into the new friendly spiked minion that also appears when you evolve five times, but this would be incredibly difficult to pull off as the spiked minion bounces around the screen erratically and would never be in the right place at the right time.
uh what?