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A platform game telling a story about father-son relationship. Be a hero for your hero!

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It's a really nice game. There are a few minor annoyances, but there's one huge problem for me.

Having to use the arrow keys is not pleasant. Since the moues is also used, it requires using the arrow keys with left hand, which is quite uncomfortable. Had WASD been an option I would have rated this as a 4-5. I know it sounds harsh to rate so low due to controls being unnatural, but that's how the user interacts with the game so when controls are unnatural and/or uncomfortable, it really detracts from the game play.

The only other problem is that blocks seem to get stuck when you're pushing them off a ledge and you have to ram them. It's not a huge problem, just something that could be improved.

Very nice game, cool puzzles but they are hard to figure them out, I am proud to say that I did all the game by my self, I had to use my mind more but the game itself is great.
One more thing, the link to the second part is broken, I really want to play it but I don't know how

Sorry, the game bugged for me. In the first level, when i touch the father the only thing that happens is that the leaves stop falling, so I'm stuck.

this game.. Sometimes it is easy to see what to do, but almost impossible to do it. Sometimes it is impossible to see what to do but easy to do it once you know how. Some levels just seem like they were designed purely for you to laugh at the people that try to play it. How are players supposed to know how to play the basketball level? And level 14, where there is a 'secret passageway' of some sort through a block? I watched the walkthrough and thought "HOW was I supposed to know that?"

The music is a tad too strong, if the piano notes were softer and quieter, and blended in more with the rest of the music so that it only provided a subtle tune in the background that you can hear, but doesn't dominate your hearing, the music would be better. It is also rather repetitive, although this wouldn't be such a problem if the piano wasn't so sharp.

There were also some levels where I managed to complete the level in a matter of seconds by moving some things with my mouse to throw the character in the right direction, and it was plain that that was not what I was supposed to do, and I felt like I'd cheated the level somewhat. But these loopholes should have been found and removed.

I did manage to complete the game, and the storyline was touching. But those few levels where it was so unclear what to do somewhat ruined it. You shouldn't HAVE to use the walkthrough to know what to do. Also, the levels often seemed completely unrelated to the part of the story. Early on you had the dad going to the gift shop, which made sense and fit in snugly, but later on in the game you just had parts of story accompanied by a nonsensical puzzle that didn't tie in with the story at all. It was like you had ideas for puzzle and you just wanted to use those, rather than build the puzzles around the storyline. You could at least have tried to build the storyline around the puzzles.

I'm sorry, but I cannot bring myself to finish this game. Let me list the reasons:

1: The music. I'm not a fan of endless loops that seem to repeat every 5 seconds, and this music is no exception. Thank god for mute buttons. It sounded promising enough, but variety is key.

2: The puzzles. I'm not saying I don't like a good puzzle, but if I have to watch a walkthrough to get through the fourth or fifth level, the instructions need to be just a tad clearer. Also, I see there was a point where you had to jump on invisible blocks. Please don't do that to us in future.

3: Most importantly, the gameplay. Usually gameplay is hard to get wrong on a puzzle game, but not impossible. The mouse interactions were a real pain to do, so much that I relied on the walkthrough not because I hadn't figured out how to complete a level, but because I had to know where to click on a block to get it to fall. I noticed no problems on the X-boxes though.

Minus half a star each for music and vague instructions, and two for the finicky mouse detection.

Now onto a good thing: the storyline. I loved it, and the only criticism I have to make is a very small one: next time, proofread the text for grammar. I'm no nazi, though, and it made no difference anyway. Back to the storyline, I totally related to it. Back when I was 5 or so, I loved my dad more than anything. Now, I'm slowly but surely growing apart from him in terms of interests and taste, but it shouldn't stop us from loving each other as a father and son should. Kudos (plus a bonus star) to you for reminding me of that.

Credits & Info

3.61 / 5.00

Aug 19, 2012
1:23 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place August 20, 2012