Remember what's behind and mount blocks as fast as you can in this cylindrical tetris-like puzzle!
ARROWS - Direction, rotate, soft drop
SPACE - Hard drop
SHIFT - Hold
the game is quite interesting, but i found a bug... when i destroyed four lines in one blow (with 4 piece straight figure) the above lines did not fall straight to the bottom- i got one bottom line gap that was totally empty...
This one was hard to catch, but now I got it! :) It should be fixed now, thank you for your feedback ;)
boring nobody likes tetris + plus that robotlike voice pisses me off.
Hm... I think you're right about the robot voice... doesn't make much sense, I've changed it.
nice game :D but... some movements, you can not do them, think of all the possible rotations :D few times I could not put a figure on it was not rotated in pocicion I wanted.
Yes, I understand what you mean... It isn't trivial to fix it, though. I guess there's is a slightly different feel with every tetris you play!
Thanks for your comment!