Not bad, not bad.
This was a very fun flash to make. I made it for my final exam for my flash class and I'm actually uploading it here for feedback before I turn it in to the teacher.
All the artwork was done by myself.
Thank you Nintendo for the music and sounds. :D
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Not bad, not bad.
That was really cool man!
I'm surprised you thought that was cool. Well, I'm certain you'll enjoy the newest version a lot more. I just have to finish it and get some more details drawn into it and I'll resubmit this video. Thanks for the support.
..........Is that it? He only found like 7 things? ha
It's really short, but considering what is it's not too bad.
why is there two chicken's ????
You know, I always ask myself that when I'm playing Zelda. Chickens irritate the crap out of me in any videogame. Lately, they've annoyed me in Minecraft. @__@
It was not *bad*, but it was repetative, lacked much in the way of animation, and did not do much to showcase any skills you picked up in your class. The audio was timed well though.