Spot on.
Inspired by aids.
Massive thanks to 'SpeedoSausage' for the voices, backgrounds and penis jokes.
Oh, and the lack of detail on Stamper's face was on purpose.
Spot on.
among the animators here Egoraptor and SpeedSausage are def my favorite 2. loved it
What a cheap shot at Oney. Try making jokes that don't involve taking a stab at another animator's work, k? I give this one star because I'm an Oney fan, so if I wasn't I might have liked this better. Maybe. Keep trying, man!!
A tour-de-force of intellectual harmonics, blended with a supreme command of the sublime.
Quite possibly the most inspiring sequence of images set to sound waves that has been produced by mankind.
it was kind of funny but it seemed too short add more jokes that are funnier or have a variety of voice actors