its cool but so short
This animation showcase my new charater name "RefugeBluesinnerX" The original BluesinnerX is Created by a guy name Daniel. Creds goes to the spritesheets use in this animation.
RefugeBlueSinnerX is BluesinnerX 30 years into the future. That have came back to the pass to tell himself about the Fatal Future of Maple world "Maplemation".
RefugeBlueSinnerX have the ability to change age at any time for a short period of time . His normal form is completely useless because of certain events that happen in the distant future. From the help of a Wizard "Tezz" he have been giving the abilty to change ages, that only then he can use his powers.
its cool but so short stole stuff again. Like usual.
i really like this animation style and the skill that you are displaying, the audio could have used some cleaning up, 4.5 because it was so short, keep up the good work
Hey, nice animating~